Tuesday, January 5, 2010

4 Jan 2010


Hello family!

we had a really good week! we got a lot of good lessons in and... Ryan and Aaron came to church, so their baptism is on saturday!!!! although, the baptismal font is filled up with sewage :-( so i really really hope they get it fixed by saturday! we have been trying so hard to get them baptized and satan just keeps getting in the way!!! ugh.

Also, Marishia (she has had a few baptismal dates but has never come to church) came to church this week! she called us on Sunday morning and asked for a ride! i was soooooo excited :-) it was so good.

Sister Lo told me after that she fasted for them this week! isn't it amazing how fasting really works! it speeds up the process. we pray for them every night but fasting is what they really needed. I can't believe i didn't ever think to fast for them! but it helped to realize the power of fasting and prayer and i need to fast more often!

so things are going great! we got a new companion, another 3-some! her name is sister abney.

i am so excited for aaron and ryan to get baptized! i just hope we could get their siblings. i asked courtney if she was going to get baptized with them and just just looked at me and goes "nooooo"... so we have a lot of work to do but hopefully soon. and gabriel has been MIA for about a week or so. we gave him the book "our search for happiness" maybe he will read it when he comes back.

I also heard that Jessica (one of our investigators from Cedar Crest) got baptized last saturday! i was so happy to hear! so lots of exciting things going on i am so excited for this transfer.

love you all and hope all is well and everyone is traveling in safety!
Sister Marchant

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